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2016-01-26 Selectmen's Minutes
Stow Board of Selectmen
January 26, 2016
Town Building

Present at the meeting that was held at Town Building were James Salvie, Brian Burke, Donald Hawkes, Charles Kern and Thomas Ryan.

Also present were William Wrigley, Town Administrator and  Maureen Trunfio, Administrative Assistant

Mr. Hawkes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Public Input: None.

Chairman’s Comments: The Chair mentioned that a Special Town Meeting will be held next Monday Hale School regarding the revised Minuteman High School District Agreement and to vote on the Complete Streets program.

Appointment of Police Safety Officer – Police Chief Bosworth
Chief Bosworth provided the Board with a letter of recommendation for current officer Christopher Kusz to fill the Public Safety Officer position that became available when Sargent Lima retired. Wrigley and the Board fully support the recommendation.
On the recommendation of Police Chief Bosworth, Mr. Salvie moved that the Board appoint Officer Christopher Kusz as the Stow Police Department Safety Officer, effective immediately.
Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Public Hearing for Complete Streets Policy and Certification Program
Mr. Hawkes opened the hearing by reading the legal notice. Planning Board Member Ernie Dodd was present and Associate Planning Board member Mark Jones also represented the Planning Board and gave a presentation to the Board and public.  He explained that Complete Streets is a program that provides safe and accessible options for all travel modes - walking, biking, transit and vehicles – for people of all ages and abilities. Designing streets with these principles contributes toward the safety, health, economic viability and quality of life in a community by improving the pedestrian and vehicular environments. Providing safer, more accessible and comfortable means of travel between home, school, work, recreation and retail destinations helps promote more livable communities. After the program has been developed and accepted by the Town, it can apply for certification with Mass DOT.  Voters will be asked to vote on the adoption of this program at Special Town Meeting next week. Residents voiced both their concern and their support for the Complete Streets Policy.

Mr. Ryan moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Salvie moved that the Board of Selectmen supports the Town’s adoption of the Complete Streets policy and participation in the Complete Streets certification program to be administered by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and in course with Ch. 90I Section 1 of Massachusetts General Law to be voted on at Special Town Meeting on February 1, 2016. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Discussion/vote on Community Compact - Planning Dept.
Associate Member, Mark Jones, represented Planning Board and explained that the State’s Community Compact program is a directive from the Baker-Polito  Administration that encourages and assists municipalities in developing best practices in various areas of their choice. The Board approved and signed an earlier version of this Community Compact at the August 11, 2015 meeting.  Since then, the Governor’s office has asked for updates, incorporated in this version, and that is why a second vote is necessary. Stow will submit two programs in the area of complete streets and housing development.
Mr. Salvie moved  to approve the Community Compact Best Practice areas on the Community Compact Application presented by the Planning Department, and authorize the Chair to sign the Application. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Discussion – Petition for Trails on Kane land (Gleasondale) – Planning Dept., Eve Fischer
The Planning Board has been working closely with an organized group of Gleasondale Village residents interested in improving the area on the southern region of Route 62/Gleasondale Road, including the Kane property. Eve Fischer of 6 Sudbury Road was present and explained the group’s aspirations for the area. The Board supported having the group organize and continue to work closely with Planning Board and report periodically to the Selectmen.
Discussion/vote to open warrant for May 2 Annual Town Meeting, set a closing date for the warrant, and set a date for the Annual Town Election with offices to be elected
Mr. Burke moved that the Board open the May 2, 2016 Annual Town Meeting warrant on January 26, 2016 and close the warrant on March 1, 2016. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Salvie moved that the Annual Town Election be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at Center School, 403 Great Road, from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m., for the following offices and Mr. Burke seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously.

Board of Assessors
One 3-year term
Board of Health
One 3-year term
Nashoba Regional School Committee
One 3-year term
Stow Housing Authority
One 5-year term
Planning Board
One 5-year term
Trustee, Randall Library
Three 3-year terms
Trustee, Randall Library
One unexpired 3-year term, expires 2018
Board of Selectmen
Two 3-year terms
One 3-year term

Chapter 61A Notice of Intent – 241 Boxboro Road
Mr. Burke moved to authorize Town Counsel Jon Witten to send a letter to attorneys for the owners of 241 Boxboro Road, informing them that the Notice provided to the Town is defective and, therefore, does not satisfy the statutory requirements of M.G.L. C. 61A. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Town Administrator’s Report
Mr. Wrigley explained that the FY-2017 budget process is underway.  He updated the Board regarding the traffic light operation and Police presence in the area of the Gleasondale Bridge.
Liaison Reports
Mr. Kern reported that the Town of Arlington has approved the Minuteman Regional High School Regional Agreement.
Mr. Burke mentioned that he had attended the Recognition for Public Safety Officials at Minute Man Air Field.  The Nashoba Regional School Committee has begun discussions regarding the preliminary budget preparations. The potential figure presented would be a 3.41%increase in the operating budget. The Community Preservation Committee is currently considering 3-4 projects. The next Tri-Town meeting will be held on February 3rd in Lancaster.
Mr. Hawkes told the Board that the Nashoba High School Space Task Force Committee is currently finalizing its report. The window is currently open at the MSBA (Massachusetts School Building Authority) from January through April 8th for those who want to file a Statement of Intent for school building improvement funding consideration. He stated that he had attended the MMA (Massachusetts Municipal Association) Annual Meeting in Boston earlier in the month.
Mr. Salvie told the Board that he attended a meeting of the Pompo Building Committee on January 4, 2016.  The Randall Library Committee is still going through survey results and have not formally approached the CPC (Community Preservation Committee) for funds for the Randall Building restoration and will soon meet regarding that. He said that he had attended a SMAHT(Stow Municipal Affordable Housing Trust)  meeting the prior week and they were looking at the possibility of purchasing a property that was in danger of foreclosure to be considered an affordable housing parcel. At that same meeting he clarified the Board’s position on the use of property at 323 Great Road.
At 9:16 p.m. Mr. Ryan moved to adjourn. Mr. Salvie seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Trunfio
Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen